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[Answer] What artist, known for portraying scenes of rural life, didn't begin painting until her seventies?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What artist, known for portraying scenes of rural life, didn't begin painting until her seventies?"

...The artist known for portraying scenes of rural life who didn’t begin painting until her seventies is Grandma Moses. Born Anna Mary Robertson Moses, she spent much of her life working on farms and raising a family, with little formal education or training in the arts. It wasn't until arthritis made embroidery difficult that she turned to painting as a new creative outlet. Her charming, nostalgic depictions of American rural life—featuring farms, seasonal landscapes, and everyday activities—quickly gained popularity for their simplicity and warmth.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What artist, known for portraying scenes of rural life, didn't begin painting until her seventies?"

Grandma Moses:

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