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[Answer] Which band was initially known as Johnny and the Moondogs?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which band was initially known as Johnny and the Moondogs?"

...The famous music band that was originally known as Johnny and the Moondogs is The Beatles. In the late 1950s, before achieving worldwide fame, the group went through several name changes as they developed their identity. During this early period, the band included John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison, and they performed under the name Johnny and the Moondogs while competing in talent shows and playing small gigs. The name reflected John Lennon's role as the frontman. Eventually, the band evolved into The Beatles, a name that would become iconic in music history.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which band was initially known as Johnny and the Moondogs?"

The Beatles:

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