ANSWERTRIVIA.COM: We ask you, humbly: don't scroll away.
Dear Reader, If you use ANSWERTRIVIA a lot, this message is for you. We're sure you are busy so we'll make this quick: Today we need your help. We don't have salespeople. We depend on donations from exceptional readers, but fewer than 2% give. If you donate just a coffee, lunch or whatever you can today, ANSWERTRIVIA could keep thriving. Thank you. (Secure PayPal)

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*Everything counts! No minimum threshold!
Thank you for inspiring us!
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We're a non-profit organisation working to build a Web that is open, accessible, safe and — most of all — a force for good.
AnswerTrivia has been serving community for free. We build communities with our question and answers and gives people tools to control their online experience. We are about enriching people instead of annoying them with forced advertisement policies. We believe a better Web means a happier future for all of us — and we depend on your collaboration and financial support to build it.
No Matter How Sweetly We Request, It's Your Big Heart That Makes the Difference
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